Learn from the Lupin, when rain clouds gather and burst take a bow, then rise. Hiya all, just got back from a small break by the sea, it filled my soul right to the brim! These beautiful Lupins made a statement to me on my return so I thought I'd share it with all you haiku folks! Have a great weekend, should be back with news about the fox cub soon, seems he's too comfy in the womb! Or waiting til the rain clouds are banished! Linking with ~>~> Haiku my Heart Recuerda mi Corazon
Nostalgia reigns it seems.
Is that R. 'Handel' or possibly 'Peace' by any chance?
Are you going to join Boonie's 'Manchester and Milton Keynes Mondays' ? (:-) What a sense of humour.
you fill us stunningly!!
love to you sue...
Happy Friday !
All the best, Boonie
Haiku My Heart, Stone Wall