Blog speak has been about changing seasons lately, approaching colder days, nourishing food and snugly layers, speaking of which my attention became sharply focused on this as I sat blogging in the cool, wondering where my long, woollen winter cardigan had gone? The one that covers my bottom and stops any cool air from contacting my thighs as I sit in the coldest room of the house until the Aga is permanently lit. My usual trick is to have a thorough clearing out in spring of everything that makes me feel frumpy after the long winter, everything that hinders my intention to start the spring in style, only to regret it when autumn approaches and Jack Frost starts nipping again! This year I was relieved to find it had been tucked away safe and sound for another blogging winter season! So I think I have learnt a lesson, one of many this year I hasten to add, the thought occurred to me that it might be useful to add a little section to my blog under the heading Lessons Learnt? Why? T