Do you believe? Believe in the moment? Believe in the power of the moment? All of those words where did they go I asked? those wise words, those very wise words? I wanted to organise them, to keep them secure, I didn't want to lose them, they were so precious. I felt insecure for fear of losing those words, for fear of maybe losing myself? My hard earned self? I became confused, lost and afraid! What was I to do I wondered? I knocked on my door, I asked, what to do? A small voice whispered BELIEVE 'believe in the power of the moment', I listened, I believe! These are my musings on taking in information, on absorbing things that resonate with me, that they go down into the well springs and remain there until needed? Until needed to be drawn upon. I have been feeling an inclination to trust lately, to trust that what is needed will be there in the moment? What do you believe? For more musings Visit Stumbling towards Ecstasy Recuerda mi Corazon
Words & image intuitively yours ...