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Showing posts from January, 2010

Full Wolf Moon - Mum

Yesterday Saturday, 30th January 2010 saw the first full moon of the decade - the Full Wolf Moon, the significance of the 'Wolf Moon' is that they are often heard howling at this time of the year as they search for food. My daughter and I decided to vision along with Jamie Ridler's group of creative dream-boarders for the Full Wolf Moon. I have been talking about this for some time now since attending a 'Law of Attraction' seminar. I became keen to assemble my own vision board and decided to see what was on the internet as I wanted to be part of a community of like minded creative explorers, and after some searching I came across Jamie's blog which encourages this tool as a means to self awareness and creativity, so these are our very first dream board contributions. We collected the images and words that spoke to us, or we felt drawn to over a couple of weeks, then yesterday we set about intuitively assembling them on stretched canvas boards.

Full Wolf Moon - Daughter

I am searching for balance and fulfillment through achieving a blend of the apparent simple aspects of other's ordinary lives whilst remembering the positive character traits that have always made me unique; sparkle and laughter.

A letter from Suzy

I decided some time ago that I would have a look at the book 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron - why? Because so many other writers referred to her work as being a 'superlative' in creative discovery and recovery. I'm wanting to propel my own creative potential forward as part of my personal development. I've decided to embark on her 12 week course as outlined in the book. I'm working through chapter 4 'Discovering a sense of Integrity'. One of this week's tasks in 'Buried Dreams' is to take yourself back in time remembering your childhood and the things you loved and what made you happy, then to write a letter to yourself at your present age telling you what to do! As a child my life was full of theatrical fantasy, always wanting to perform, an errand to the shop for my mother could be a balancing scooter act, speeding down the pavement with shopping bag on handle, gracefully poised with one leg stretched behi

Fascination with Windows - Revisited

It all started quite a while ago, actually when I was a child .... "Suzy-cotton-socks" my mother would call ... time for me to climb onto the chairs. Sunday was hair-do day, mum would sit me a-top of two chairs (a baby's chair fixed to the top of a dining chair) to put my rags in before bedtime.  My bedroom window looked out over the fields to the hall in the distance, that's where I would spend wondrous moments on the ledge gazing across, it called to me!   I assured mother "if I stand on two chairs I'm able to reach Hardwick Hall! So my enchantment with the hall and windows started!   'Hardwick Hall - More Glass than Wall'

Dogwood Day

The Dogwood really stands out through the window today, in all it's winter glory bringing colour to a grey day.

Through the Windows

Hello, As you may have gleaned from my profile I'm called Susan Fox, affectionately nick-named Shoes'n'Frocks by my husband on account of my regular consumption of all things feminine. In my creative life I've been drawn towards interior design, garden design, textile art, digital art, printmaking, altered books and other visuals but my abiding passion is for capturing the moments with my camera. Photography is one reason why I'm here writing on a blog, my blog, eventually after many hours of agonizing I finally plucked up the courage to post my first image. So if anyone happens by my blog welcome , I hope you like what you see.