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Showing posts from October, 2013

The Essence of 'Now'

It is a hauntingly beautiful day, I feel like I'm creating my art in the moments as I type, my art being my 'intuitive expressions' either in words or image... There is such a chilled out sound coming from my radio, blending with the wind outdoors and brilliant sunshine illuminating every autumn shade, this combination always puts me in the mood to create, it's an incubator for the intuitive process and that illusive feeling that I want to hang onto forever... sigh. Our belongings are in piles throughout the house, waiting to be up-loaded, we should be on our way by now I'm thinking, lapping up the miles to my home, journeying to the place of connection, my beloved ocean. This trip has been eagerly anticipated for over a year since we last visited Whitby. It has been postponed! The lady over the phone said "there have been gale-force storms predicted for this evening, we advise you to put-off your trip for a day, we cannot take responsibility f...

Intuitive Inquiry

During this time of transition and re-focusing my passion, I'm looking to my images either at the point of shooting, or post editing  (if any) to inform my journey, inquiry. To see what it is that has arrived in the moments that capture my heart. An ongoing investigation as to how I  'Align to Divine', with a view to inspiring others along this route. For sure colour and form, hues, texture and balance all have their place and there are technical experts out there for advice on such matters, but for me that 'essential' something, something other is what I'm looking for, what I want to explore. What was going on for me in those moments, the moments the sun shone after days of soggy rain for example! Rain soddened earth and two mutts having creepy visitors within their coats was the scene!!! Washing, everything that could be detached and laundered at 60 degrees was, also taking forever in the machine, hanging dank and heavy around the house. Air lade...

Taking Notes

I've been taking note, sifting and sorting both physically and mentally, I like to have a good old clear out now and again, to re-evaluate the worth of things... Parring down to the essentials and simplifying has always been a way of life for me ~ My motto is if I don't use it, appreciate it, believe in the worth of it then it has to go... This is my 495th post, I am also nearing my four year blogging anniversary and thinking about where I am going with it all. I'm not saying I'm about to give up my beloved 'FMB' but that I feel I have become somewhat scattered, maybe even a little lost!  Initially it was all about my images, I was in photography heaven for two whole years, shooting, posting and writing.   I was eager to post and took current advice to just let my blog 'evolve' which I did. I'm glad to say I did for I have met some wonderful, soulful bloggers over the years and experienced a real sense of belonging and love, but here...

Red Rage Release

I am searching my image file as I type, I need an image to match and express my emotion, there are not many for my images are mostly soft, my emotion is not... I've found one but it is a little on the subtle-side, I need to intensify, sharpen, define, deepen... I'm feeling red rage, the need to rant, riot, respond... breathe in, breathe out ~ sigh... My daughter's mental health downturn has meant she's been off work sick for sometime, she knows she cannot return to her work, the organisation who employ her have no alternative but to terminate her employment, she understands this... but the method of dismissal, the legal implications, the monster of a system that has been created for this purpose is one that makes me feel SICK. They are taking a sledge hammer to crack a tiny seed, my tiny seed, I'm feeling Red Rage. Intuitively yours....SF

Feeling it on the Breeze

This morning's breeze is stirring the Tamarisk tree outside my window as I tap these keys, wondering how to release all of the words wanting to escape in some-kind  of meaningful way onto the page... The breeze is reminding me of imminent change ~> Yesterday halfway along the road to my Developing Photoshop course I made a sudden decision, a knee-jerk reaction I know! But my intuition was pressing me, saying 'this is not the way', so a u-turn became necessary! I don't like knee-jerk reactions, they have in the past led to some bad decision making that I have regretted, but the voice was strong, I knew I could no longer ignore it. My love affair with photography keeps me grasping for connection with like minded souls, which I never seem to come across, the number of image processing courses I have taken over the last twenty years I've lost count of... My yearning though is much deeper than remembering some technical magical manipulation, turnin...

Paradise Pier

Paradise a place to pause, . . become poised, ready for presence, . . for peering into the realms of possibility. Linking with Postcards from Paradise Recuerda mi Corazon

Holding each~other

Our haiku-ing hearts forever young and in love holding each other... For my friends over at Haiku my heart Recuerda mi Corazon