Safeguarding my Heart in this Choppy Ocean of Grief . . There are open and raw wounds around my heart, they need attention, I am paying heed to a well know scripture ~ " for all that is to be guarded, safeguard the heart"! Not allowing bitterness to take hold is the work at hand. I have to thank you my sisters in large part for allowing my grief story here in this space, for offering comfort and encouragement through these days, for just being there through this journey gifting me connection in my hours of need. This indeed helps keep the heart open and soft, your words of wisdom and care. This week I start a course of psychotherapy offered to me through the hospice who cared for my love. I have mixed feelings, I went along to one of the group sessions but felt overwhelmed by the tears and sadness of the other grievers, I will try to remain open to what might arise through one to one therapy. Having said that I already know the limitations of what psychothera