This wasn't a brilliant picture I'd taken with my phone at the airport but there was something attracting me to it so I spent a little time editing. At first I thought it was the composition's vertical and octagonal lines, the repeated patterns or reflections that I found interesting, but on further contemplation I realised it was something other drawing my attention, something deeper to do with the human story. There was a fascination going on with the two older figures and their two suit-cases striding under the clock, also the way my son in the foreground seemed to be gazing their way in deep thought, this sparked my interest! I was picking up on nostalgia and poignancy here... After studying this image for a while I realised the significance ~ There was my youngest son only just starting out on his family journey, made me think of what lies ahead for him and, of course, the answer is no one really knows. But was he wondering about this as he looked on
Words & image intuitively yours ...