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Showing posts from August, 2013

The Gypsy in my Heart

I donned on my gypsy skirt ready for the road, my chariot 'Celeste' she calls and I must wander.... The traveler in me has been agitated for awhile, I feel the heat in still, needing that cool breeze under my skirts.... I know not where paradise will beckon, but to be sure I will tell all to paradise seekers upon my return, in the meantime share your moments of beauty with one and all, love Susan x

Focusing on Time

My old friend Lady Lavender now in her thirteenth year  she straggles the stone path brazenly throwing off all restraint, exposing her less than graceful aged limbs with huge gaping gaps where once she held an ever-so tight, prim & proper pose for donning that summer bonnet. Now though she is bare and patchy in places giving way space to other plants like the young Herb Robert with his little pink posy offerings filling and enhancing Lavender's bald spots. Other critters too still adore her, Small and Large Whites, Brimstones and all manner of Bees.... Yes the garden has changed over the years once an organised array of spectacular blooms which you could depend on with regular punctuality, now giving way to a rambling profusion of pop-up posies all making an appearance as and when like hide and seek characters! Amazingly you think some may well have delivered their last performance having not seen them for awhile only to be outwitted and surprised when they s


Days to remember sunshine, shade my boys and me all cocooned in love... It has been such a beautiful summer here in the UK, my love bought me a swinging cocoon chair for those lazy hazy days....sigh! Haiku my Heart Recuerda mi Corazon

With Love from Paradise

My old campervan 'Celeste' returned from our latest wanderings on the back of a lorry, she is very very sick, but my love is taking good care of her and she is undergoing restorative treatment! In the mean time we have pastured her for recuperation in the most beautiful, peaceful spot in our garden, next to the pond looking out to the countryside.  We sat with/in her for awhile today, a kind of 'staycation'. The views are just as stunning here as anywhere, I am so grateful for the paradise we tend... the fields beyond are now being harvested and as I sat sipping wine with my love I zoomed in with the lens.... I have much admiration for my farmer neighbours, they work so hard in all weathers but today must have been a sheer pleasure for them, the sun has been shining... It wasn't until editing the images that I realised this was a family affair, when you look closely (click the image) at the cab of the big yellow co

Mark Making ~ Liquid Mandalas

When light beams catch the corner of my eye sparking ignition to a chain reaction, causing curiosity to take over I'm lead on a journey and I need to explore... I play awhile captivated in contemplation and what if.... experimenting with light and lens, wine glass and water, rays and reflections, I'm transported to Utopian bliss. Liquid Mandalas

Meta~4~Mary #1

I do not subscribe to any religious path but I do subscribe to spirituality, intensely! Traveling along this on-line spiritual road I have made acquaintance with many 'Mary' figures, all sharing the same essential essence of 'love'. They all have the one thing in common, sewing seeds of compassion and care, with one aim in mind ~ nourishing and populating this world with their progeny. My 'Mary' acquaintance this week came from a beautiful post written by Tara Sophia Mohr ~ please visit and take the time to enjoy reading ~ ~>~>  Your Life Purpose Linking with ~ Mornings with Mary Recuerda mi Corazon

My Love

Yesterday's post saved for today... I sit here this day thinking about what I will be doing I think about tomorrow too for it's a special day, our anniversary... We had planned to go to the Japanese Gardens, this idea came to me as my love carefully placed the last stone in a wall bordering our garden. He's erected this wall from stones he miraculously came across buried in the earth... these were a God-Send as we need a wall to protect our property from flooding, these stones are very expensive, way out of our budget! Although we have never been financially comfortable while living here my mantra of ~   "what I need will be there in the moment" has proved true time and again! Considering tomorrow, my love and my gratitude towards him for the many years he has looked after me and our family my thoughts turned to the concept of ~ Karma Yoga which is nicely explained here at ~   'Faerymother'   and to quote from Starr this is th


Have you received a hug today? I belong to this really lovely yoga group, the circle is part of a larger group which seems to be growing... A little while back however, I felt a bit awkward and a little bit reticent at joining in...! A new member of the group who I assumed to be an extrovert started this hugging thing off! I am your typical reserved English introvert by nature and like to keep my safe 'personal space' if you know what I mean ;~) if anyone gets their mat too close to mine in yoga I'm soon shuffling mine away ;~) Anyway I'm happy to report I have challenged my personal foibles and now am a fully bonded member of the hugging group! credit ~ This synchronized nicely with the above information on a 'Time Line' photo my daughter posted on Facebook, we have been doing a lot of hugging recently as she is going through a rough patch with her Bi-polar... Which leads me to the subject of e-hugs! Have you e-hugge

Align the Divine

"The terrain of the intuitive path can feel strange like we need a road map... this is where 'faith' is needed." . My dream was broken after having made the above comment on yesterday's post ~  Walking by Faith I know other people's dreams may bring on a yawn, but this one is a thriller and auspicious I feel!   See what you think? The Dream~>~> The path was narrow along the craggy edge, I was scared, for to my left the rocky surface fell away sharply and to my right there was, I thought, a deep, dark black sea, although I barely dare look for fear of turning sideways I might lose my grip and fall in! I gingerly crawled the shiny surface clinging tightly, scaling the ridge, however ahead at a distance I could see the outline of a mountain range with the sun just peeping through and lighting up a scene that looked like what I imagined to be Shangri-La! My immediate feeling however was one of fear and it was almost paralyzing me to

Pondering #1 ~ Walking by Faith

"You can learn how to play it one foot in-front of the other", these are the lyrics I am listening to on 'Chill Radio', I don't know the artist as Chill Radio is just a music station nothing else, no advertisements, no-one-there, just soothing music... These lyrics hit a spot within though, they're about going with the next moment, intuitively. Intuition, this is something I've been more in-tune with recently... I call it walking by faith. Sometimes in some situations of life all we can do is have faith that what we need will be provided, which is also my mantra ~ "what I need will be there in the moment", in other words a conviction that we are supported by our divine connection through stressing times. Over the last six months I have been keenly aware of this through various serious health scares along with long-term stressful situations that I have felt/feel trapped in, and a prisoner to. Today I am thinking about intuition on a