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Days to remember
sunshine, shade my boys and me
all cocooned in love...

It has been such a beautiful summer here in the UK, my love bought me a swinging cocoon chair
for those lazy hazy days....sigh!

Haiku my Heart
Recuerda mi Corazon


Spadoman said…
So glad to hear you are enjoying life, Ms. Foxy.

Love the photo! Is that Dougal? :) His look just really says it all, doesn't it! Those eyes invite us to join you in your cocoon of love :) I want one of those chairs! Happy swinging on lovebeams :)
Anonymous said…
how lovely
Anonymous said…
'All cocooned in love ~ what a loving feeling that conjures up for me ~ lovely haiku ~ thanks and love your little doggie ~ carol, xo
Anonymous said…
Thats a wonderful photograph - it will see you through the dank, dull days of winter, I'm sure and the words will reconjure the memories xx
gma said…
Love that the complete story is told in lights and shadows. Beautiful.
Nonnie said…
I love the name of the chair! such a delightful image of you and your boys!
Anonymous said…
you describe a perfect summer day...

how cute is the face on that pup!
have a wonderful weekend in your cocoon.
Mark said…
Surely there is no better cocoon than love!

My Lady Wisdom
Lea said…
Hello Sue, what a lovely, lazy, cozy haiku... it is so full of love, as is your pic. I want to swing in your chair and cuddle that little pup! So glad the summer has been good to you, and that you shared this with us all.
Anonymous said…
Priti Lisa said…
That picture just made me sigh...I am so happy that you are happy♥♥
Laura said…
so tender and full of love.

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