Yesterday whilst editing a few of my images ready for canvas,
I came across this from last year and was about to delete
but got caught in the memory, suddenly I fell in love with the image and the memory all over again. Last year was full of walks with my love and the boys to our special place, a row of five little ascending ponds in the grounds of our beloved Hardwick Hall. These were special times, me being in love with capturing every reflection that spoke to me in those pools of colour.
This year has been so different what with the incessant rain and other
restraining obstacles, but these images are like gold-dust to me, they immediately
transport me back to one of the most beautiful periods of my life.
I can retrace my steps to Paradise in the click of a mouse!
“Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”
~ Rumi
i hope these beautiful golden times visit you again soon. In the meantime breath in the golden reflections.
San Miguel Shadows
your stories of ponds and long walks through the surrounding land of your home fill my memories too. especially the ponds, but always the light. you seem to capture the light no matter what season, no matter how dark the shadows. you have a gift for light and radiant love.
so glad to call you friend.
Have a great MOnday, Beautiful Sue !
how wonderful you discovered
the images
and did not delete!
if this one makes you happy
i hope you print it out
place it
where you will see it often...
{{ guess what?
i LOVE there is a place
named this-->
~~Hardwick Hall~~
it sounds
like a place
Ripe for adventure... }}
the power of the senses
the image is gorgeous
love and light
And that image....
Oh. my. goodness.