Learn from the Lupin, when rain clouds gather and burst take a bow, then rise. Hiya all, just got back from a small break by the sea, it filled my soul right to the brim! These beautiful Lupins made a statement to me on my return so I thought I'd share it with all you haiku folks! Have a great weekend, should be back with news about the fox cub soon, seems he's too comfy in the womb! Or waiting til the rain clouds are banished! Linking with ~>~> Haiku my Heart Recuerda mi Corazon
Have a nice day, Boonie
has been a long long day and i am only now making the haiku rounds. i went to your link...and my heart froze. there is no way to comprehend any act of violence and this one crushes on the hearts of so many.
so much beauty and promise cut short.....
a great loss to all.
i love your compassion. you are a comfort candle
on a cold dark night.
I am so deeply sorry. I left a message on Carola's blog. I don't know what else to do. Such a deep and profound and tragic loss. Thank you for being such a comfort and light to your friend.
Blessings and Love,
Peace to you and all you hold dear
For us it is still rather unreal, we struggle to comprehend it all. However, we (Katie's family and mine) talk a lot about Katie and how we remember her. It belongs to the healing process, and it's good to laugh together when we remember her quirky sense of humor. Thank you to all of you.