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Comfort for Carola - Haiku my Heart 10

When the 'I' is hurt,
body rushes for repose,
seeks a 'healing salve'?

Please visit
 and last two posts for full story


Anonymous said…
This is deep and profound. I had to ask Mrs S to help me with it. Fascinating photo too.

Have a nice day, Boonie
Meri said…
It's so rewarding when we can use our words for comfort and healing, to touch another.
rebecca said…
dear sue, forgive me for this late visitation. it
has been a long long day and i am only now making the haiku rounds. i went to your link...and my heart froze. there is no way to comprehend any act of violence and this one crushes on the hearts of so many.
so much beauty and promise cut short.....
a great loss to all.

i love your compassion. you are a comfort candle
on a cold dark night.
Anonymous said…
thank you for sharing her life... your right she is a beautiful girl...
I am so deeply sorry. I left a message on Carola's blog. I don't know what else to do. Such a deep and profound and tragic loss. Thank you for being such a comfort and light to your friend.
Blessings and Love,
Spadoman said…
Prayers, compassion and positive energy sent in the direction of those that suffered this terrible loss along with those that care and are troubled.

Peace to you and all you hold dear
Annie Jeffries said…
Resting now in the arms of her beloved.
Carola Bartz said…
Sue, I just saw this post. I can't tell you how touched I feel. I'm actually sitting here, crying. I had no idea that you had a post for me and links to my blog telling about Katie and Jesus. Thank you so much, my dear friend, and to everybody who left comments here. It IS of great comfort.
For us it is still rather unreal, we struggle to comprehend it all. However, we (Katie's family and mine) talk a lot about Katie and how we remember her. It belongs to the healing process, and it's good to laugh together when we remember her quirky sense of humor. Thank you to all of you.

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