Jamie Ridler asks in Wishcasting Wednesday -
How would you like to spend some time?
How would you like to spend some time?
Good question for me at this time of year as I usually embark on some course or other for the winter months ahead, and as usual I'm not sure? I go through familiar questions, what do I really love and would like to spend time pursuing? I've got qualifications in Fine Art and my heart is in photography, graphics, printmaking etc. But I'm torn because I'm also interested in Personal Development and have a yearning to share what I've learned so far with others in some way, especially on-line? So what do I do? How do I spend some time doing what I want to do, don't know, not sure but one thing I do know is that I need to spend more time puzzling it out? Or will it just come to me? Do I spend more time meditating upon these ideas???
For other wishcaster wishes visit Jamie Ridler Studios
May you find your true North :)
I hope you figure this out. I'm sort of going through the same challenge- so much I am interested, so which path do I follow?
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
As Sue wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Sue wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As for the photo - is that a reflection off a glass of wine (or do I just have wine on the brain?). I may have to steal, I mean, try that idea out.