The reflective image below is one taken of my south facing window,
which is more like an altar to me because of the ever changing light
that allows for embracing the moments of silent connection and praise.
I take many photographs from this window as I marvel at the sun's energy
to illuminate or in this case reveal through shadows and reflections.
This image has been sitting in my file for sometime,
it has a hidden message for me that
I knew would one day surface...
Heart broken open
by the mystery of you...
love stitches together.
Gentle love rides pain
like silken thread slips through jute
spring balm for raw edge.
Stitch with silken love
the polarities of life
embrace the mystery...
Sending to Rebecca for healing...
Haiku my Heart
Threads of Thin Rain
artmusedog and carol
south facing. an altar of light.
kept and treasured while waiting for the deeper meaning.
thank you for stitching with the love and light once again,
my heart to yours.
love and light