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Keeps Spinning Around

 steps in the circle
one foot after the other
 keeps spinning around
 I've been fixated with spirals lately,
you may have noticed?
There is something about the shape,
continuity, fluidity, motion...... and more.

When I doodle this is the shape I return to........

Listening to Chill Radio,
as I often do whilst in the zone with my spirals
I notice the lyrics ~ 

And I've learnt how to play it
with one foot in front of the other
and there's no way to win it
we all just spin around and around
Tom Baxter Lyrics

You know how it is you hear half of the lyrics,
 the more you listen the more the words surface, you have a aha moment, 
you think yes that's it, 
you align with the sentiment, it resonates........

Downward Cycle ~

rain and more rain, cold too
fear of flooding again after the rain
bouts of insomnia
alopecia flare-up

Upward Cycle ~

sigh when flood was averted
 yellow rapeseed field through my window,
looks great against the grey, even better against the blue
found a new pleasing Merlot 
finished the path and the painting
going in our camper-van to the coast soon 
my love's birthday today
shhhh he said not to advertise it ;~)

Linking with

Haiku my Heart
Recuerda mi Corazon
Keeping it Real


carol l mckenna said…
energizing haiku ~ love spirals ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^
Unknown said…
ah, the spiral is my one sacred symbol...

oh man, thank goodness for the averted flood!
the rapeseed is out! aw, miss that sight, will see it very soon.
bet you're looking forward to that trip. lovely to have a campervan, your own little space.
Libby said…
Really interesting! I like the shadow...
Lenora said…
twirly, curly, spirals evoke joy and your photo is beautiful!
Laura said…
beautiful images and haiku!
Anonymous said…
I'm a Merlot gal my own self ;-) Hoping you have a wonderful weekend!
Fallingladies said…
Love the good and bad shared like this! I may have to play along with that next week! Amazingphoto! I love the spirals as well!!
I feel as though I'm doing some of that spinning myself--and not necessarily in a good way!

Raven Has One Wish
Introverted Art said…
I used to think the downward motion of our cycles were a painful and unnecessary process, but I realize they are as important as the upward ones... just part of the journey. Love the photo.
rebecca said…
i love you so. truly it is through life's challenges that our heart is ultimately freed. compassion and our ability to see deeply into the heart of each other and each new moment is an ability forged through these darker times. spiral in, spiral out. thank goodness we can offer light and love to each other and help each other along the way.
you are always a great force of light and love in so many lives.
and i thank you for your strong presence in mine.
Marit said…
So much to see and think over in this blogpost... love your art and words - and I know exactly what you mean with music and lyrics!
gma said…
Mostly Spiraling in and out here.
Spirals are a part of life. I have a pink one tatooed on my shoulder.

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