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What's in a Name?

Isn't it funny, 
I was feeling a bit chilled sat here,
I have a flu bug/virus just now,
I was thinking I need
my long, comfy cardigan to warm me, 
my love walks in with the said 
long, comfy cardigan.

I've had more 'synchronicity' today ~

At the beginning of the year I chose the name
as my adopted name for the year,
knowing there would be challenges ahead,
family matters that would call 
for me to be Grace-full!
I met the challenge and felt
I had lived up to my 
new name for the most-part.

Recently, my memory lapsed and I almost 
forgot about my new name,
I returned to the old pattern,
I returned to the little self
not my new
Graceful Self.

I spent a couple hours there ruminating 
with the little self on how I was feeling today,
how hurt I was, that I had been overlooked.

 Whilst blog hopping 
I came across something 
that I had synchronised with earlier in the year,
when I was thinking about my new name,
and again
it happened, just what I needed!

Kathryn Antyr
Collage Diva

was posting about
 Grace again for
the second time this year,
what timely advice ~

'Offer kindness to those who are undeserving'

Through the arterial veins of this blogging network
there is much synchronisation at work,
what a beautiful place to 'be'.


Kathryn Costa said…
I love our connection. It is mysterious and meaningful! May you feel a wave of grace today and share it with others. {soul hugs}
Miss Robyn said…
thankyou for being grace-full when I needed it most - a time when I feel so empty. love xoxo
rebecca said…
dear one,

love love love your return and surrender to grace.
oh to walk through your door with an armful of flowers and all the time in the world to listen to your magnificent heart.


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