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Haiku my Heart #33 ~ Lessons for Grace

What the bird told me....
about both pleasure and pain,
like petals and thorns
the rootstock's the same,
to contemplate sweet pickings,
there is a need to beware,
thorns have sharp edges,
handle petals with great care.

'dedicated to all blossoming relationships'

'an immersion of the heart'

PS ~ my syllable sums have gone a bit awry here,
hey ho, I never was good at maths,
and I have flu ;~)


Spadoman said…
Multiple entendre' in this. It speaks the truth that most learn by doing. Then we teach others, but they insist on learning by doing. No one listens to such sound sage advice, but there it is, right there in front of us. Wonderful Ms. Foxy.

Vinay Leo R. said…
Good thoughts alternated with some beautiful photos! Well said! The last two lines give some wonderful advice!
"the rootstock's the same"

Words worth pondering for a lifetime...
Snap said…
A lesson to be learned. Love all the images ... pictures and words.
Rosie said…
Reminded me of my DD! She admits to always learning everything the hard way... Contributes to making her who she is though!
Lovely words and pictures, thanks for sharing! =)
rebecca said…
dear sue,
i am so sorry you have the flu! let your love care for you...stay close to the fragrance of your lovely roses. as for the lessons of petals and thorns,
you are a font of wisdom this morning, no math necessary to "see" matters of the heart.

i love you
GYamato said…
there is a need to beware,
thorns have sharp edges,
handle petals with great care.

yes, the rootstock's the same and I go forward a bit better braced for the day. Thank you :)
gma said…
Little birdies are so wise...I am still learning to listen to them.
Hope you are feeling better.
Dawn Elliott said…
What you say is so true...and who cares that you took some artistic license! Feel netter soon.
Hope you are feeling better, but in the meantime, you mustered your energy to do a series of beautiful photos and words.
Leslie said…
the flu is NO FUN. i would say it qualifies as a major thorn! hope you feel better soon. and i can relate to the bittersweetness of this life with its many troubles... may we always have the grace to see and smell the beauty of the roses, despite their thorns...
Anonymous said…
blossoming indeed!!!!.... the most beautiful of beautiful that affects us all should be the one to pierce one's heart.... ummm petals... and that the blue bird of happiness should be the messenger... miss pie
tami said…
sage advice . . . do hope you are feeling better now.

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