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Haiku my Heart #13 Out of Focus

View out of focus ...

World's been turning upside down
calls for clarity

For more haiku poetry 


Anonymous said…
Hope all settles down nicely for you soon.
Great photos, very creative and expressive haiku. Thanks for sharing these.
I felt a little out of focus on Tuesday, but it turned out to be nothing other than that my new dentures were a little tight.

Have a good weekend, Boonie
rebecca said…
this haiku and companion photographs are so revealing, so telling.
always powerful and generous.
allowing us to move forward in peace, grace, and strength.

your last photograph...such a visual feast. thank you sue for giving straight from your life.
Spadoman said…
Dear Ms. Foxy... The photos are lovely, and the words poetic, even as they seem to share your heart with us. Like before, I will send out the good vibes, the peacefulness, the positive energy in hopes that it makes some things come into focus. Take what you need and send onthe rest to others.
Thank you for sharing.

Nanka said…
Wondrous photography and meaningful lines,
The quality of being certain and definite is clarity
and you know exactly what you are doing.
Ramesh Sood said…
World will be alright.. momentry lapses of pensive mood.. it happened with me.. and I am back with a bang with in no time.. do visit both my entries to see how mood can change in very little time.. only we have to choose..
Meri said…
clarion calls
for peace, for sanity, are
we listening yet
Kim Mailhot said…
Wishing moments of sweet clarity asap ! Your images are so beautiful. Thank you for them today.
Charlotte said…
Oh Mum, I love how you express the darkness in a peaceful way full of light. Indulge in the comments of your friend's and allow them to envelop you, I sure am lifted by their caring.

Love C xxx
Ramesh Sood said…
My second happier entry is what I talked about: here
Carola Bartz said…
Beautiful photos!!! Whatever darkens your day, I hope it will be over soon and you again can find your bliss.
paper-n-soul said…
Very clever expression and lovely photos. I hope things right themselves soon.

...although sometimes the blur is a call to be still...

Two Maidens Dancing
Kat Sloma said…
Beautiful haiku Sue! That bottom image is striking, how did you achieve that?

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