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Grateful for Gratitude

I am grateful on this day, 
Friday, 24th December 2010
'Christmas Eve'


Gracious Gratitude,
rescuing me from myself,
forging paths through fear

At an early age I was familiar
with the saying 
"count your blessings one by one"
but it was just some old saying!

Life passes so quickly,
and there were times
I felt like the days were so long,
so dark and filled with nothing,
like I was wading through treacle!


those days are in the past now,
and it's Christmas Eve
so enough of that!

just one thing though, 

Dreamboard by Charlotte Fox

I'm so grateful I learned to 
"count my blessings one by one"
for so doing the mind
becomes filled with the positive,
literally leaving no room for anything else!

Thank you for returning to my advent calendar with your lovely comments.

BTW I have a greeting for you
 on my last day of 

for more haiku posts
Recuerda mi Corazon


Anonymous said…
"Wading through treacle".... Lucky you didn't come to a sticky end.... Did you do so syrup-ticiously?

Happy holiday, from Boonie
Spadoman said…
Ms. Foxy, I have been absent from visits here. Forgive me. I love the thoughts of gratitude as I have discovered these blessings later in my life and understand the importance.

Merry Christmas to you and all you hold dear.

Nanka said…
I'm so grateful I learned to
"count my blessings one by one"

Sue beautiful lines that I loved very much!!

When you feel like grumbling,
Just pause only for awhile
and count all your blessings,
then that'll bring back a smile!!
Ramesh Sood said…
Merry Christsmas to you and those around you.. liked your post..
rebecca said…
oh sue, this is lovely. completely radiant!!! when one is filled with gratitude....
there is room for nothing less than deep happiness and goodwill for all.
i am so grateful we have found each other. i cannot even remember how....except to say that time and distance could not keep us apart!

all my love,
Charlotte said…
Thanks for reposting my favourite dreamboard Mum...dreams are blessings indeed. Love you xxx
Your post is so colorful and lovely, so filled with hope and desirous of casting aside the fears of the past. It is encouraging to all of us. It leaves me Merry and Bright for the holidays. Thank you Sue for your friendship and all that you have taught us with this lovely advent post. I wouldn't have missed it.
Annie Jeffries said…
I've really enjoyed following your advent calendar, Sue. I just copied it to my desktop, now that it's complete. I can look at it each day and be reminded of how much I have to be thankful for throughout the year.

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