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Starting anew & love links

I'm starting anew
just twenty four hours a day
one day at a time ...

This has been the most difficult period yet since my love passed. I never knew how hard work grieving could be, it was just a word!  I thought it would be a process to get through not one that would keep re-surfacing in stronger, blacker surges... I recently had a lovely gift of words from my on-line sister friend who encouraged me via 'Wild Woman Mystery Cards' to take a stand with myself and acknowledge my power... Yes I did vow to be a 'warrior woman' I remember ~ Warrior Woman Detour but this trial has brought me to the ground... The wise card spoke about realizing our place in the world and turning our own power into action...
So I am starting anew taking some small action daily as my friend encouraged  to "let my power lead".  I have never given up on myself as each morning I am blessed with the most beautiful sunrises in my new abode which always reminds me to be grateful and I am for 'gratitude saves' hey? And so I continue to be grateful for my sweet sister friends here on-line, each one a link of love and with that in mind I would love you to trip on over to ~

 Gotham Girl Chronicles  who has published a beautiful post on 'trusting life's process and reaching out one person at a time...
Happy New Year to you all, my words are ~
 'stand in my power, trust the process, one day at a time'

Linking my post to ~

Haiku my Heart
Recuerda mi Corazon


Oh I know it seems unending! It's okay to be brought to the ground! Happens to me all the time :) It's okay to surrender and just allow life to be what it is for as long as it takes, because there is no other way... And try to rest in the womb of inner stillness and love that holds and embraces you, even in the darkest of times. I say pour your heartache out, let the tears flow. Don't try to bypass this experience, or be strong/powerful. Just be with however it is, as you say - day-to-day, one day at a time. Don't try to change it into something else. Let the grief take you where it wants to take you, where you need to go. The grief will show you the way, and will transform itself when *it* is ready... And gratitude will arise naturally...
Many Heart Hugs to you... Christine
Lea said…
Dearest Sue, yes, how grateful I am to have our paths intersect and carry us forward until we sit down together, either here in cyberspace or even some day in person! Starting new each day, I loved the quote from Thich Nhat Hahn on GGC about starting each day with a smile. Yes, to that too. Yes to where ever life takes me, as I pick myself up again and again and find that I have help all along the way... much love to you and your beautiful home that holds you!
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful posting to start the year Susan. I also loved reading what Mystic Meandering had to say too. I'm working on two years without my very best friend ever...and even yesterday I found myself sobbing as I miss him so. So many memories...but I'm going to let those 24 hour periods guide me too. Thank you always for your visits and wonderful words. So appreciated. Here's to 2016 and I so look forward to following along!
Anonymous said…
Geez...sorry for the extra comment...but I failed to mention...I ADORE that image!
J C said…
A beautiful pink and yellow sky. It seems like a huge cotton candy.
I am beginning my 8th year after losing a twin daughter to an accident.
Grief never leaves one's heart, and I still have bouts of crying.
But its as it should be. Crying relieves the pain, so that we can
continue on with our daily life. Loss of a loved one definitely changes
a persons perspective, but we have to lay it all down on the new path we follow.
Heartache, unfortunately, is a fact of life. I am so sorry for yours. I send hugs.
Time does not heal without scars, but I promise you, time will make the hurt softer.
rebecca said…
sending love across the sea to shelter and comfort you. so many times i have dreamed of living close enough to walk to your open door and join you for tea and heartfelt conversation. i close my eyes and transport myself right beside you dear friend. each new day-even in the most difficult times-a gift waiting to be embraced. thank you for your presence in my heart and the strength you inspire just by being you-
a trailblazer on the path of love.
Unknown said…
oh sweet Sue,
you are surrounded by love and hugs...I hope this love and light helps lead you to brighter days....because we are grateful for you

deb did it said…
sending you love and light, Dear Sweet Sue

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