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Keeping it Real #2 ~ TLC

It's a cozy kind of day,
maybe the blanket of snow outside has something to do with my feeling,
then Chill Radio is playing the familiar,
I'm soaking up these pleasant moments , we're taking 
the mutts for their yearly jab 
in about an hour, speaking of mutts, Dougal has now started shaking and crying at the snow!
My love says I mustn't re-enforce this behavior by closing the curtains and switching the 
radio volume higher!

I say he needs TLC....
I need TLC....
Tea lots of cups!   LOL

Back from the vets, my happy mood has evaporatednot because Dougal 
was shaking and shivering every second of the way through a snow storm,
or because of an imminent expensive dog dental appointment, 
but my sensitive heart was floored again, 
a woman with a tiny chihuahua pup and two small children went in before us, 
the mum was distressed sighing all the time she was waiting saying 
" how long are they going to be?",
the little boy said "he's going to die isn't he?",
they came out of the consulting room empty handed. 
The boy said " is he dead?"
all was quiet,
I dare not ask,
my love said ~
" you can't keep track of each falling rock"  ~  Cohen.
No need to remind me,
I know life is lost everyday
in scary and tragic circumstances
men die, women die,
children die, babies die,
ruin mingles with miracles,
but this was my experience today,

I felt it deeply!

These are retrospective thoughts
from Wednesday, I don't want to leave
you on a sad note as it is Easter, the time of hope and renewal and today is a beautiful new one, so I'm re-posting my thoughts from last Easter 
My yoga practice usually leaves me a little lighter, 
this week we focused on the 
heart chakra gratitude meditation,
I left my class with a feeling 
of belonging to something greater than self!

Often times when my mind is busy,
 all thoughts running riot,
I can feel overwhelmed, 
I find sitting and focusing 
on the breath soothing and comforting.

Happy Easter 

Linking with Monica
'Keeping it Real'
Ink & Chai


Unknown said…
i'm one of those that feels every rock fall. i would have shed some tears.

do enjoy the snowy cosiness, and the tea. have a sweet weekend.
suzanne said…
what a powerful post for so man reasons...brought it all home, made it all real, and a reminder of the true lessons in life - to experience, to love, to live. grazie.

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