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Haiku my Heart #15 Sun Salutation

Frozen Dogwood Days
Sun Signalling Cessation 
Seed Salutation 

stirring still seeds,
breathing life into dormant depths,
diving deeply into the divine.

for more haiku poetry 


Miss Robyn said…
frozen Dogwood days...
but soon, they will be bursting into divine flower! love dogwood trees.
this is a beautiful post. xo
Carola Bartz said…
Oh Sue, such gorgeous pictures. I feel the winter chill and the warmth of the sun at the same time. The second photo is stunning.
Anonymous said…
these beautiful images of winter surrounding spring!
Kat Sloma said…
I love the yoga reference in today's haiku. Lovely images!
joco said…
I will make your day by commenting and thanking you for making mine :-)
That cornus you captured in the top picture:
You know what you have achieved with that, don't you?
Cornus is always stiff and ungiving, even though it throws out a red stick now and then to cheer up the yellow ones.
You made it bend gracefully!!!
Did you talk to it? Tell it to let go a little?
I bet you did :-)
"seed salutation"

Sometimes phrases are so delicious, I just have to savor them. This is one!
Meri said…
Such bright colors glistening in the sunlight!
Spadoman said…
Dogwood. It grows where I live. Sometimes people mistake it for Red Willow. All these photographs are stunning. I love the second one with the frost crystals. Just beautiful. The haiku, aliterative with esses and dees. I like it.

rebecca said…
thank you for your beauty.
sun salutation.
perfect prayer for stirring our hearts.

much love to you sue. welcome to the weekend!
Ramesh Sood said…
This is fantastic Sue.. since I have commented for most in terms of Haikus..spilling today lavishly from my heart.. here's one for you too..

Sun makes them melt
Those lovely frost Crystals
Your words replenish..
Anonymous said…
I did enjoy this. Your pictures are quite stunning. Thanks for sharing.

All the best, Boonie
rebecca said…
dear one,
i am thinking of you so much this morning. i just want to find a way to include you in a get away.
it might take moving a mountain...and certainly an ocean. oh that it could be so!

you are in my heart.
Anonymous said…
such a moment reminds me of life always moves and motions forward... the lilac bushes in front of my house i noticed the other day are growing just the most minuet of buds... even tho it is still so cold and winter is here spring is definitely in the air... the power of a seed... it is important to remember, thank you...
paper-n-soul said…
Such delicate and beautiful imagery. And so much hope in a tiny seed...


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