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Navigating Home

Well here I am again!  Wonder of wonders that I am even showing up at all in this little blog wilderness having uprooted my faithful old friend Finding my Bliss by way of messing up the template!  The one who safely sailed me through Bloglandia for all of those years was interfered with in an abrupt manner (see previous post).   I know it may sound silly but I feel like I am grieving for what was my sanctuary and residence, I am feeling kind of lost with nothing familiar to cling to, but alas I do have one place that is very much like home and so there I will share a little haiku with my friends...

By way of haiku
navigate a place called home
the 'heart' gathering...

On the subject of home and the insecurity of having no solid ground to tread on, that's where I am finding myself at present as I'm in the throws of purchasing a new home and going through a very sticky patch with the legalities of it all.  It's going at a snail's pace and I'm getting frustrated to say the least! So it came at just the right time for me, as often it does, I felt soothed by this article from The Daily OM ~ 'Home is where the Heart is'

Linking with Rebecca and friends at ~
Recuerda mi Corazon


rebecca said…
welcome home my darling friend! yes-how we all seek shelter and kindness, more chairs in the house of belonging. i keep a chair warm and ready for you through all seasons and every hour. today my heart is content just feeling you closer. let's rest in the comfort of love and compassion, renew our sense of place and security and soldier on!
Lea said…
Dear Sue, I good it is to pull up a chair alongside you in bloglandia, however it looks... finding you here always touches me and I send you good wishes for this new adventure you are on and your courageous heart! Blessing to this new space, in the ether, and on this earth. Lots and lots of love to you. XO
J C said…
Home is wherever your heart is, no matter the scenery.
May all your navigations take you where you need to be!
gma said…
So glad you came home to us here Susan. Love.
carol l mckenna said…
Wishing you well in your transition ~ haiku always helps and other's quote ~ sending lots of hugs to you ~

Happy week to you ~ ^_^
Mark said…
Haiku is my favorite compass too, Susan!
Miss Robyn said…
Susan, by chance I followed a link from my old blog.. and here you are. Oh so much water has gone under the bridge since we were in touch. I think of you often. much love Robyn xoxoxo
Fatima Ahmad said…
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