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Venus through my Window

How can you love someone you have never met physically?
I found myself wondering this evening...
I continued to ponder physicality, what is this?
I have read and I'm sure it is true that the very stuff stars are made of can be found in our human cells...
Tonight I look out with my love on our winter skies we spot the planet Venus, The Evening Star,
I am in awe of this planet's beauty ~ Venus

Every year she appears at this time, shining brilliantly and I feel very emotional because it brings me close to the Creator of all beauty and all things... Again speaking of beauty and closeness, I have never met this one person but I feel very close to her because she is made of the same stuff as you and me and the stars and she shines just as brightly shedding her light and love on all who come into contact with her...

Although being miles away the distance is nothing but the beauty of her soul is everything - we connect, like the stars, we are star sisters, sharing the same origins, so the distance and physicality is really of little concern for we connect in spirit.

Postcards from Paradise
Recuerda mi Corazon 


Introverted Art said…
I think it is entirely plausible to love someone you never met... the world is so much more than what we see and touch... thank you for reminding me of that.
Carola Bartz said…
Yes, I do think it is possible to love someone who we have never seen or met.

I love the appearance of Venus as well...
rebecca said…
my darling,
countless times a day i imagine you by my side. something about how conjuring you up fills me in the same way stars weave a path of light across even the darkest nights. i am dreaming of how we will meet and convinced we have met a thousand lifetimes. perhaps you were that brighter star hanging in the open night so close i fell in love with you a trillion years ago. xoxoxox
J C said…
It seems your love is returned, and that is such a wonderful thing! Ah Venus, she brings the love each time she appears, and lets it linger as she continues her journey.
gma said…
I think so yes. For example I love you, your words and art, yet we have not met in person.
Yule tide blessings and BLISS to you!
Cat said…
we are made with the dust of the stars...the curve of the moon...the light of the sun
no matter where we are on this earth
we breathe the same air
it is the beautiful connection of Creator that brings us all together
such a beautiful gift
such a beautiful gift

love and light and many blessings this season of giving and love♥
suzanne said…
may that love nestle deep into your heart and always give you comfort...buon natale, friend.
somepinkflowers said…
{{ this posting
is too lovely
for Human words ...

i will just say
these few ::
i am pleased
~~you & I~~
star*molecules }}


Oh yes! I too feel we can *feel* this kind of love across distances without having seen someone. It is an "energetic" experience I think - beyond time and space, that just is. It's just there whether there is distance or not, as there really is no "distance" in between. Am happy for you that you are experiencing this great love!

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