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Restrained not Broken

Sometimes life 
throws a restraining 
order on you,
you feel like a trapped tiger
wanting to escape,
 but the thing with restraint the more
you try to wriggle out of it
the tighter the restraint

Acceptance of the situation means
stilling yourself, biding your time,
seeing the beauty that exists even when
boundaries are erected around you.
"Nothing stays the same, this too will pass"
'Restrained not Broken'

Sending to
Postcards from Paradise 
Soul Songs
Path of Divine Love


rebecca said…
even with the plight of restraint...
each of your offerings are spilling with light.

i hold you in times of difficult challenges, lifting you up to the light that is always illuminating your heart.

all my love to you and yours.
what is death to the caterpillar, is life to the butterfly! your post brims with the power of true surrender and acceptance. two years ago I ruptured a disk in my back and was bed stricken for months! I came to know, like you, the power of surrender. blessings
Miss Robyn said…
sometimes things happen to make us stop.. it is at these times that the Divine makes Herself known xoxo
Meri said…
The ability to yield and release in priceless.
Unknown said…
...while within that restraint... listen for the still, small whisper. It will be profound!

Peace be with you,
gma said…
You are wise not to struggle against it. May this time of healing make you stronger than ever.
smiles, Sharon said…
We all live moments to years of binding restraint. You are very wise, sometimes it is best to just "stay" be at peace and wait. All things eventually change.
Wonderful photography to illustrate your wisdom.
smiles: sharon
Anonymous said…
Like you said...this too shall pass. Sending you light and love to get through this. I am enjoying the view though from your place of restraint.

rebecca said…
i wish you could join me for the next five weeks in flora's E course...perfect timing since you are home bound..
i can!
Annie Jeffries said…
When I am constrained, that is when I think best.

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