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Morning Meditation

I sat as normal in my yoga pose,
entering into the practice of meditation,
thoughts rose,
I welcomed them and softly waved them goodbye,
it was delicious,
the thoughts were delicious
 I was aware of more and more delicious thoughts
the clock's soothing ticks heightened
 with the cooing of doves outside my window.

The image of the peony from the garden entered my mind,
the large, soft, frilly peony,
pink and cream ruffled petals.
I sank into the peony,
into it's dewy, soft petals, they stroked my cheeks.
I rested there enveloped in it's creamy, frilled deliciousness.

I could still hear the clock ticking softly
 the bird chattering to herself
the image of the peony faded,
 the bird's chatter silenced
the clock's ticks whispered on.

Am I in the moment
is this being in the moment?

I welcome your perspective on this experience, these words were intuitively written after my meditation.  I don't claim them to be poetic.  I wrote the words without censor to capture a beautiful experience to keep as a memory for myself and also to share with others the wonderful feelings that come through meditation.

Like many, there have been some dark-day periods in my life, when I dwelled in the dark tunnel not being able to see the end or any glimmer of light.  I forgot what it was like to feel anything let alone experience the beautiful feelings I have come to associate with meaningful practices like meditation and yoga.


Rochelle said…
That sounds like a moment to me! A lovely moment - makes me want to meditate right now (I made the, rather frequent, mistake of getting on my computer before meditating and I've been on it ever since - sigh)

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