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Grateful for Water

I am grateful on this day, 
Tuesday, 7th December 2010,
for Water

We are still snowbound,
the car is stuck on the drive 
and the water pipes are frozen!

I'm not able to use my washing machine!
The shower is out of use too,
the temperature is not set to rise 
until the weekend!

Having said all of that
I'm still grateful,  
we have water piped 
to our house
most of the time!

For those of you who 
and wished me a lovely weekend
in the BIG CITY,
the 'Dior Exhibition',
yes it was wonderful
Thank you

A Virgin A Day

The Adoration of the Magi, Bruegel, London, National Gallery.
There are more Wondrous Virgins over at
A Virgin A Day  


Spadoman said…
Water, the life blood of the Sacred Eartrh Mother. Ironically, that will be my "Virgin" tomorrow. Hope you get thawed out soon. I know how this is as I have had similar experiences when I moved to the Northland in 1974 an a young naive man and tried to tame the weather without knowledge or fear.
I love the image you posted. I would love to see a painting such as this in person someday. Great post.

Oh, brrrrrrrr!!!!! And, frozen pipes to boot! But, it doesn give one a chance to stop and appreciate what we really have, doesn't it?
I love the image you posted too-beautiful!
Carola Bartz said…
Yes, water is so precious. Before 2010 we went through three years of droughts in a row. It's scary. And so many people just take it for granted and waste is thoughtlessly.
I hope you will "thaw" soon and get back your "normal" water.
rebecca said… darling, is the fire blazing? so glad you are home and safe beside your love.
the first photograph, stunning!!!
a capture of light and a globe of water crystal.
please stay WARM!
your gratitude for neighbors may make your advent calendar a few more times before this freeze is over!!!

love from here,
Anonymous said…
Water and a beautiful Brugel to boot. There are so many things to be thankful for. I'll have to look at Gratitude Tuesdays.
Annie Jeffries said…
Good evening Sue. Difficult times for you but you have created beauty and focused on gratitude daily knowing that help is not far away if needed. The Brugel Madonna is beautiful.
Jane said…
Beautiful gratitude, Sue!
I love every picture, and every sentiment. Thank you for heightening my awareness of beautiful things to hold with gratitude!
Stay warm, and take good care,
~ Jane
deb did it said…
your winter photos are gorgeous, yet send a chill up this Texas spine!
Anonymous said…
Is that all the Dior we are going to get out of you??
More Dior please. You did take your camera I presume?
No washing is good washing. It can wait.
Charlotte said…
I am grateful for the water at your home this evening as I have none at my own home...
Incredibly beautiful photos. I especially love the trees with the window superimposed. So lovely it takes my breath away. I am sorry that the weather is encroaching upon you and that you are having to depend upon your own resources to stay warm and clean. I appreciate the fact that you still share such beauty and gratitude with us. We are forever grateful for you.

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