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Advent Calendar of Gratitude #5

I am grateful on this day, 
Sunday, 5th December 2010,
for neighbourly love.
Over the last week here in the UK
we have had more snow that I can remember
and that's a long memory!!!

We are one of three cottages
on the edge of a little hamlet.
We don't see the neighbours that often,
as the saying goes~
"neighbours are like stars
you don't always see them
but you know they are there"
Our neighbour sparkled very brightly
last Wednesday, we were running
low on milk & bread,
also snowbound!
We asked Richard if he would
get some basics for us the
next time he ventured out in his 4x4?

two hours later he returned with these,
 and as there wasn't any 
fresh milk in the shops
he called to see the local dairy farmer 
who was happy to oblige.
All of this neighbourliness,
 and he wouldn't take a penny,
wine included!
That's being a good neighbour for you!


rebecca said…
this is truly a gift of love!!!
oh to be your neighbor, can you imagine???
sweet, bright thoughts.

all my love to keep you warm.
Carola Bartz said…
What a wonderful neighbor you have! And that wine and bread (?) look super yummy. I'm following the news on the winter in Britain and Europe, last winter was a tough one in Germany as well and now they have all that snow again. And I bet it will be all gone by Christmas...
Anonymous said…
I like your neighbour's idea of 'basics'.
BTW, did you get to go to the big smoke?
Amazing warm, generosity and compassion. Loaves and Fishes, Bread and Wine, The One Good Word. It is all the same when it comes to friends. How wonderful for you. I am glad you are safe and warm
Jane said…
Your pictures and writings are just gorgeous! I love the hay bales, and today's snow-bound cottages. If you can imagine, I've dreamed of such ... each winter I long to be snow-bound. Perhaps I'll learn the reality from you. On second thought, so-far, your reality is so lovely, I think I'll dream of it even harder this year :)
Let me go check the posts for Monday and Tuesday ... can't wait!!
Warmest x's and o'x Jane

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