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Advent Calendar of Gratitude #3

I am grateful on this day, 
Friday, 3rd December 2010,
to see through mind's eye
beautiful, soft souls sparkle
jewels on angora

I'm going to be traveling to London today
with my daughter Charlotte, weather permitting!
We'll be meeting with some of her young friends to visit the
Dior Illustration Exhibition
I'm so privileged and grateful!
It's snowing so I'll be wearing my pink angora hat with jewels!
just right for the capital hey?!

A Virgin A Day

Head of the Madonna, detail plate 26
The Artist Botticelli is without doubt my favourite
when it comes to the beauty of the Madonna.

Will be posting my gratitude over the weekend,
though it may be Monday before
I can respond to any comments or haiku posts.

Be sure to visit other haiku posts over at ~
Haiku my Heart
 Recuerda mi Corazon

Where does your Soft Soul Sparkle?


Ramesh Sood said…

jewels will keep sparkling added with the shine of joy..

Well said..
rebecca said…
you are such a lovely jewel!
thank you for your place in my heart...
anxiously awaiting your joyful return.

travel safe dear friend.
Anonymous said…
You lucky thing!
If you mamage to get there that is.
If I were so lucky as to see the Dior exhib, I would wear my husband's ancient silk Dior tie (which I splashed out on decades hence). I wore Armani to the Armani exhibition (second-hand glory) way back and felt terrific.
Take care on the journey and may Mary protect you.
Jane said…
Pink angora hats, jewels, and a trip with your daughter sound wonderful.

Have a lovely time!
Leslie said…
have a lovely trip! the hat sounds marvelous...
Kim Mailhot said…
Enjoy all of the sparkle of you trip ! and the time with your daughter.
Happy Friday !
Rena said…
stunning image, and beautiful words to go with it
turquoise cro said…
Happy Angora and sparkling jewels London trip!!! Beauty Full Botticelli!!!
Have a wonderful trip seeing the Dior Exhibit and donning that pink angora and pin. Hope someone takes a picture of that!
Love the Botticelli image. Appreciate the fact that it is a closeup as then one can truly appreciate and soak it all in.
Such beauty!
Carola Bartz said…
A pink angora hat! Wow! Yes, that's the right attire. Hope you get through to London and don't get stuck in the snow! I love London, one of my favorite cities.
Anonymous said…
My soft soul sparkles when I read, work in my art journals, play with my grandkids, walking my dog--and that's the tip of the iceberg.
Anonymous said…
Cool post.
Hope your trip went well. Sounded fun.

All the best, Boonie

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