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Advent Calendar of Gratitude #2

I am grateful on this day,
Thursday, 2nd December 2010,
to be able to remember my roots,
my beautiful mother, father and
my big sissy pictured here
in the middle!
I was just a twinkle in my daddy's eyes!

My memory isn't what it used to be,
I forget the little things,
but I never forget the love of
family and friends
I'm thankful for this and the fact that 
I have a memory!

Memory served me well today, I posted a
'a Virgin a day'
 here she is ~
Detail from the 'Adoration of the Kings' - Velazquez.
... and extra halo detailing from me!
Do you think Jesus could do with
a little manipulation too?

Join in the 'sightings' and report back to


Anonymous said…
Lovely post. Thanks for this.

All the best, Boonie
Anonymous said…
my memory is getting different too.
good thing i have a blog to help me
bless your heart!
rebecca said…
i love this photograph of your family.
this chance to get to know you....before you were even born!

finding your bliss....such a perfect home to your gratitude advent calendar.
love too your virgin....and the swaddled baby jesus.
may love swaddle us all!
Kim Mailhot said…
Beautiful family Joy, Sue ! Thanks for sharing it with us. Happy Thursday and Day 2 !
Meri said…
This Madonna and Child are really interesting -- the baby Jesus looks much more childlike than most paintings, which usually give him scaled down adult proportions and make him look a bit surreal as a result. And I love your mommy, daddy, little Sue picture.
deb did it said…
aww...what a precious post! Welcome to the Land of Virgins!
turquoise cro said…
A Twinkle in your father's eye! I LOVE hearing that saying!SWEET family pic! I LOVE Jesus just the way he is in this pic!
What a great photo to be able to cherish. And yes, even though my memory is not as good, I am truly grateful to have one. I love your advent calendar!
Isn't it wonderful to see so many renditions of the Virgin and child?
Carola Bartz said…
Lovely photo of your family and I love the words you wrote accompanying it. I love to have a memory, too.
I love those old family photos, the wonderful expressions on parents faces. I like that your mum and dad don't look so deeply serious but actually quite a happy family. It looks like both your parents were military as I see an insignia on your mom's sleeve too or am I just imagining? Your mother is lovely. It is a nice photo of your sister too. I have posted photos of my mom on my blog as well. These are deeply heartfelt moments I think, and it is interesting that you connect it with the Christmas season and the madonna and child.I love your madonna as well. She looks like a regular mom, and so does Jesus and they are dark-skinned as they would have been. It is lovely. Altogether a great post.

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