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I have a gay friend,
he's one of my yoga buddies. 
After our practice today he gave me a ~>

He told me he missed me at Monday's practice,
this felt so good, this connection is a real  Joy....

Linking with

Sharing the Joy Thursday
Meri's Musings 

Bonnie's Pixel Dust Photo-Art


Unknown said…
it's an amazing feeling to be told you're missed.
This is so very sweet... It is such an innate need to *know* that one is loved... I think this is what it all really comes down to, but sometimes it is hard to keep the heart open and practice it... I think you would like the post by Tara Brach called "Please Love Me" on my blog roll...

We are all loved beyond measure. Imagine if we *really* knew that! :) Heart Hugs...
Meri said…
It's so crucial to our souls to know that we are seen and appreciated. Bravo to your friend!
helena said…
love your interpretation - the story and the image
Anonymous said…
beautiful piece and a sweet story
Annemor said…
To be missed if a gift.
Anonymous said…
Ida said…
Fun processing on your photo. It's nice to have connections with friends.
Laura said…
it most certainly is:-)
Currie Silver said…
it is a gift to have a friend and a greater gift, too, to know your place in your friend's heart is real and longs for you.

a wonderfully sweet post.
Anonymous said…
That is real JOY Sue...seems a lot easier to make connections with people that we share so much with. Hugs to you too
Annie Jeffries said…
I'm in. Yay! Finding My Bliss at "Finding My Bliss".

Love how you altered the mug photo with the amusing little cow.

Yoga. I'm reminded again to do this everyday and work at speeding up my body and slowing down my mind.


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