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Soul Love

Seeds of love,
sparking off of one-another
blowing over the entire globe, there and back.
They're feeding those gentle creatures
life sustaining nourishment,
blossoming and blooming through
soul love.

What better way to populate paradise!

For more soul nourishment visit ~

Postcards from Paradise
Recuerda mi Corazon


What beautiful imagery in your words (and photo too:) - "seeds of love... blooming over the entire globe..." - nourishing each other with our lovebeams :) Hope you are enjoying a lovely day! Heart Hugs...

Miss Robyn said…
soul love in a little village in England, in a pub. some home made scones, jam and cream..... I experienced it first hand and I was blessed xo
rebecca said…
i have been thinking of you so much as i wander through our gardens looking for the first signs of your poppy seeds to emerge! to know that something that once graced your eyes may, fingers crossed, bloom for mine is just what your post is all about.
how deeply, richly blessed i am to know your love.
Unknown said…
fabulous word and image combo.

soul love populating... love it.

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