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Gently Gently...

One of those Mondays, things lined up..........

I had planned for yoga and a long overdue groom for the fur-boys,
but I was stuck.......... something was gluing me to a place of stillness,
I've experienced this 'stuck-feeling' before, I've learned to take notice of this feeling and
the message its sending to me, to listen to that small voice from within,
the one that knows the core of me, that sometimes I need to just be.

It has been a day of noticing subtlety, gentleness, I needed this too, to be gentle with myself.
I have learned over the years that I suffer from stimulation over-load and that I need to defuse this situation. I've learned that when everything is gearing you up to say 'Yes to the Universe' just sometimes you have to say No, not at the moment!

Have you found this yourself, days when everything seems too loud, too brash, too stressful?  You want to switch the world off!  The more I move with gentle souls both here on-line and otherwise, I feel the need to honour that voice within that says enough, I am enough for this day.


Yes, happens all the time - and usually on Mondays! :) I always have my lists of things to accomplish, and some days I just *know* that isn't going to happen. Wonderful to honor that isn't it :) I love being pulled into the stillness of just being - deeply resting, deeply listening at the Core of Being. I don't do well with lots of stimulation either, which seems to be most of life!

Enjoy the Quietude...
Cat said…
I totally understand this sue
sometimes we need to take a break, even from the Universe : )
and you know what
It is ok with that!

love and light
Unknown said…
constantly. :)

i'm better able to recognise and acknowledge stimulation-overload. i sued to ignore it and push through, to my detriment.

it's hard to let go of enthusiasm and Projects, but i know how much fresher i come to these things after respite.

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