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Sifting & Sorting

Today I'm sifting and sorting,
clearing out clutter from my mind.
Things from the past that no longer fit,
or good for purpose, 
I examine their worth
under the lens of Spirit and self,
with fresh eyes.

I'm creating space to focus
on the soft fragments 
of what remain.
I wish to wear this life as a 
"loose fitting garment",
so that I may move more freely
 and at ease with self.


Anonymous said…
I love how your words seem to always touch so closely to my life. Perhaps they are universal, these breezy wisps of wisdom.

Unknown said…
" I wish to wear this life as a
"loose fitting garment""

Anonymous said…
yes! it's so liberating isn't it...completely freeing
Introverted Art said…
Sue, these images are inspirational, peaceful and wholesome. And your words are always as perfect.

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