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Week's Bliss List ~

 best of british
season's first bauble
 last of the summer wine
 love light 
beautiful life ...

sending to
Postcards from Paradise
Recuerda mi Corazon 

For Cinda


rebecca said…
oh...each glimpse filling me in wonder. just the touch of you, all i need. then the last shot, for cro...completely took me to my knees.
thank you for lifting Cro up into the holy light. she has recently lost her mother. let's stay close to her with all our love and comfort.

Dawn Elliott said…
What beautiful images of the season past and that to come!
I was just about to comment on these lovely images when I saw your comment. You missed my crow :(. I love what you have done here. You take the seeming ordinary images of a day and turn them into utter poetry with shadow and light. I love what you are doing here, this paring down, this moving toward an artistic, almost painterly quality in your images. Lovely.
Miss Robyn said…
is that your love in 'love light'?
this is a beautiful post once again xo
turquoise cro said…
O! the Beauty of all these blissful pics! I especially love that pale delicate flower and of course, I was soOOOOOOo pleasantly SURPRISED!!! to see that SWEET CROW!!! Thank YOU foxy lady!!! Blessings for YOU and YOURS and the next CAWWWWWWWW I hear, I will think of all my dear friends!
Leslie said…
these are definitely blissful moments. i especially love the reflection in the bauble and the light infused photo of your love...
gma said…
Your photos resemble fleeting thoughts. Love the spiritual quality of them. A blessed bliss list.
Charlotte said…
Lovely pics as usual Mummy. You keep snapping whenever you can

Love you
Charlie-Lou xxx
Rosie said…
Sue, I find your photos so inspiring. That may sound trite, but as a 53 y.o. who's waiting impatiently for her first "grown-up" camera for xmas, seeing what you do just makes me want to get out and snap away... It's almost as if all my art-life has been leading to this, so thank you for being here, and for speaking "English"! xo

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