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Joining dots and making connections....

I had such a lovely,
if not exhausting time looking after Connie
whilst Mummy & Daddy swanned off to the Big City Beer Festival...

The day  before I had noticed a lovely reflection on my widow in the blazing sun,
an unusual occurrence ~ the sun that is!
Of course I don't need much encouragement to linger,
dream and imagine all kinds of otherworldly goings on in my window reflections,
I'm soon seeing into the realms of otherworldly possibilities...
So I snapped merrily away to see what as my friend Patricia would say is 'gifted to me'....

I intuited the need for more clarity on my subject, so off to the land of 'Picasa'
where I highlighted and darkened, then as if by magic, the dots were connected to my little Connie,
I had bought her a ceramic money box in the form of an Asian lady and there she was arising in my image,
born from my inner intuiting ...

I just had to plump her out with fine 'line' details in Windows 'Paint' 
after visiting the land of  'Picasa' for a little 'retouch' and cloning some new earrings...

Little Connie is only 21 months, I can see we will have lots of dreaming and visioning days to come!


Your photos are playful! They remind me of Christmas... Red wrapped boxes with gold ribbon :) and Christmas lights along the bottom... With these kinds of photos the imagination can run wild! LOL Happy play with Connie!

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