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Knit one Purl one

Knit one purl one,
divide the knit stitch by knitting 
twice into that same stitch,
 you now have three stitches instead of two,
continue in this way until you have 
24 stitches
a shawl
a new baby
a mended ankle!
Does anyone have the pattern for a mended mind?
My girl is back in hospital, I'm sad!


rebecca said…
oh dear friend,
my heart is filled with the mantle of comfort for you all.
close your i close mine. open your mothers heart and breathe in slowly, deeply, infinite love. breathe in compassion, breathe out peace, breathe in wholeness, breathe out hope, breathe in trust, breathe out believing.

may the contours of your heart be filled with the power of love. may the world that surrounds you be uplifted as you return to oneness, may we all embrace each moment with the wonder of love and include each other with grace in all we do.

somepinkflowers said…
oh no!
so sorry
to hear this news

learning now to crochet
but have no patterns
for heads
for hearts
for ankles
any body parts...

do pop in
when you have time
and have a valentine

i came
to leave you this
my Bowl of Loving Life!

----> ♥
Lenora said…
sending love..
carol l mckenna said…
Oh ~ lots of healing hugs and energy coming your way ~ be strong ~ honor your feelings and love to you and your girl ~ namaste, CArol (A Creative Harbor)
rochambeau said…
Hello Sue,
I don't have a pattern
but I will surround you and your daughter in the light and will hold your hand from afar!

Unknown said…
... no pattern to share ...
I just know from the little bit of knitting that I've done is that a stitch in time saves nine and if one (or nine) need to be reworked it's ok
Nancy said…
Here from Kimmies tea bloggers :) Happy Valentines Day, sometimes a nice cup of tea along with crocheting helps....I've found :)
Lea said…
Dear Sue, I love your post, but I am so sorry to hear of your daughter.

I do have a pattern for the mind... it called a labyrinth. I don't know if it is your ankle, or her ankle, as most labyrinths are walked, but you can also trace the pattern with your finger and it has helped my mind, especially when things are tense around and inside me. You can find a labyrinth near you by going to the world wide labyrinth locator at or you can draw one and trace it, or think of these beautiful mandalas as you knit and create beauty with your hands. Much love to you.

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