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Juicy Summer

Sweet juice of summer
drip, drip, drip, quenches my life
lifting high my heart

This is one of those years to remember we are actually having a summer,
we have had more than two consecutive weeks of sunshine!
Today begins the folk festival next to our cottage,
we usually go in wellington boots but this year I think it is safe to wear sandals!

Joining in with
Haiku my Heart
Recuerda mi Corazon

Cupcake baking in progress,
bouncy castle to arrive soon
along with party animals ~
we have a 'jungle' theme going on!

My buzz word for today is b-r-e-e-z-y
I need it first for the heat
secondly for calm ;~)


Unknown said…
happy birthday on the day!

not just sunshine, but HEAT!
Spadoman said…
I remember last year at this time as well. Not summery at all. When I think about how hot and humid it is right now in Wisconsin, I imagine that drip, drip drip of some kind of juice cooling my body to be waves of cool water.
Very glad you are upbeat and enjoying life. Have fun at the festival and eat a cupcake, or two, for me.

Much Peace sent your way Ms. Foxy
J C said…
Really interesting photo. Hope you enjoy the festival in your sandals. :)
somepinkflowers said…
{{ oh oh
Happy Summer, sue !!

~~~bouncy castle love~~~

fortunate YOU }}
Nanka said…
You are having a fun time with a lot of breeze sun and light!! Can sense your buoyant mood!! We on the other side of the globe are done with the scorching summer heat and sweating and enjoying the welcome rains!! Funnily we here don't walk in wellies, they even stopped selling them, instead we all wear sandals and bellies specially made for the monsoons!! :) How things vary in different regions!!
Ramesh Sood said…
I find that dripping of juice very interesting and's dripping rains here for a almost three weeks now...

Dawn Elliott said…
I love that you are excited about the weeks of sunshine...and here we are in northern Arizona, we are so thankful that the monsoon rains have finally come! Enjoy!!!
rebecca said…
my darling sue,
you are beautiful in any weather, but
oh how the sun brings about a healthy bloom!
i say jump in sandals and all and kiss the joy as it flies!
stay breezy,
Love that opening line: "Sweet juice of summer"!

It almost makes me appreciate this torrid time of year.



Barbs of Loneliness
Karen said…
My drips are more salty, from the the unrelenting heat and humidity. The boucy castle looks like fun!
gma said…
LOVE sunshiny bliss and juiciness! enjoy.
Nonnie said…
looks quite refreshing! needed for the temperatures we're experiencing in Indiana! have a delightful time!
Anonymous said…
Happy to see summer has ARRIVED!

looks like the jumpy thing fits you to a T
Anonymous said…
lovely haiku
I just love your top art photo! Love its calm fluidity and reflection of a window and sky. Am glad that you are enjoying the Summer there - and the bouncy castle :) bringing out your playful child. Sending you cool, calming breezes ~ ~ ~
Anonymous said…
So glad you are enjoying the 'sweet juice of summer' the breeze, the sandals and the festival!
Kim Mailhot said…
sweet juicy summer!
enjoy enjoy enjoy!
happy weekend!
Introverted Art said…
Can I have cup cake? Summer is not my favorite season, fall is, but your words are beautiful...

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