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Stumbling towards ecstasy at Hardwick Hall

Hardwick Hall 
More Glass than Wall
Side entrance to my neighbour's house.
Click to see her initials on the balustrade? 
Side view of front entrance, her horse 
dismounting platform in the foreground.
View from her front entrance, 
looking towards my cottage 
just beyond the ponds.
Much stumbling towards ecstasy has,
and does go on here!

All will be revealed!

for more stumbling ecstasy


rebecca said…
dear sue,
utter loveliness! and i love anticipation, mystery and waiting.

the landscape seems so familiar. can you tell me the name of your town so i can see "you" on a map?

when i worked on the QEII i often spent time in england. and of course there are family roots.

thank you for your beauty.
both inside and out.

foxysue said…
Thank you for your lovely comments Rebecca, always gratefully received!

My town is Chesterfield about sixty miles south of York, I think you told me you visited York? My cottage is close by the M1 motorway, junction 29. I've been told you can see my campervan, my love and Dougal on Google Earth!
Oh, my! This is transporting, this country side and where you live.
This is so gorgeous and your neighbor definitely has a very distinctive estate. But, there you are in your cottage and you are all in the same neighborhood.
Well Sue my dear, this is a fine broad prospect. I am waiting for Mr. Rochester to come galloping round the corner at any moment as he makes his way back to Thornfield Hall. Really lovely digs here. Thank you so much for sharing this bit of English manor countryside.
Miss Robyn said…
this is beautiful. I so want to visit England oneday soon. my ancestry is Cornish, you know. thankyou for sharing such beautiful photos... they spoke to my soul.. well on the way to stumbling towards ecstasy xoxo
I am ecstatic, sharing your landscape!

Sweet Ecstasy!
somepinkflowers said…
2 stops past Wonderful!


this alone--->

~~her horse dismounting platform~~

my heart spinning...

Annie Jeffries said…
For real? Fantasy? No matter. It's a marvel.
turquoise cro said…
SWEET!!! LOVE the horse dismount!!! Phew! Reminds me of the day a sweet horse named BLUE threw me off!!! hehe I want to see your van!!!
deb did it said…
stunning photo...mystery in words....I would stumble into this photo if I could!
Carola Bartz said…
Beautiful photos. I especially love the view from the entrance - oh beautiful England! No more snow as I can see.
rebecca said…
yes. i have been in your neighborhood!

how are you my darling? i have been away from blogland for a few days. but always close in heart.


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