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Ordinary Moments

Rebecca speaks of ordinary moments ...
in my most ordinary moments
at the kitchen sink say ...
I'm transported somewhere else ...
somewhere a little less ordinary,
less familiar,
the moments become extraordinary,
the moments turn to magic ...
I see the familiar
 with 'fresh eyes' it's 

BTW All images are SOOC
(straight out of the camera)

Why not stumble over there yourself?


turquoise cro said…
I have a blue bottle, well 2 at my kitchen sink!!! I LOVE doing dishes, this is where I go into some kind of magical tuquoisey zone like YOU have captured by your camera!!! Wonderful pics!!!
rebecca said…
i am loving your attention to beauty in unexpected places...chores....duties.

i am loving your place firmly in my heart.
Carola Bartz said…
Wow Sue, this is really something seen with new eyes. Love it, these images are stunning. And I have to remember "SOOC" - will adopt that!
Miss Robyn said…
it is always in those very simple moments.. like yours at the kitchen sink,... that we can become totally absorbed in the Divine..
love your photos! well done :)
Anonymous said…
This is lovely - that you can find beauty in the everyday. It's a rare gift.

I was once planting a banana tree in my garden when I was suddenly and shockingly transported to a strange and terrifying place. Fortunately I was acquitted for lack of evidence only a couple of days later, but still had to pay my own bus fare home.

Have a lovely day, Boonie
You know the Zen saying "Before enlightenment,Chop Wood Carry Water. After Enlightenment, Chop Wood Carry Water." I am not certain there was a camera involved in that progression but if there were, I believe that this may have been the outcome. It is simply stunning. SOOC should be your mantra for the day my dear. Lovely..lovely. By the way your new bannerhead and the background are simply divine. Thank you.
Annie Jeffries said…
SOOC? Amazing. Do you have settings that help this along? I'm agog over these pictures. And your banner is wonderful. I hope you keep it up for a while so we can enjoy it for a little bit.
Marilyn & Jeff said…
This is so very beautiful - your words, photos and feelings. There is so much of beauty in the ordinary.

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