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Norwegian Dreamscape

Hello Petals,

I'm back from the most beautiful of experiences ever....

As a child I sat spell bound in my classroom listening to the teacher's description of far-away places where  rivers flowed through mountain passes by means of some strange sounding water-way ~  the fjords,

I visited the land of my dreams ~

Norwegian Dreamscape ~

Dawn has me breathless,
awed and silenced, standing in reverence 
I slip seamlessly through

Slipping seamlessly through 

this watery dreamscape
where bliss moments rise and merge with the blue

Bliss moments merging into timeless reflections

in this beautiful dreamscape  I'm suspended, I stare,
I see seven sisters falling over rocky hard places
rushing cascading then vanish in mid ~ air

All bow in respect for the vanishing ladies,

the rocky hard places, 
the Divine hand that hewed
this beautiful dreamscape where 
my spirit is floating like some 
slow motion movie I glide silently though

Like the disappearing ladies after cascading and falling

I turn from these moments as they vanish from view
yet their spirits go on surging forever returning
stirring my memory with each day anew...

I dedicate this poem and post to my lovely friends Cynthia & Dennis Taylor who made this all possible, a dream come true.

Reference ~  Seven Sisters Waterfall

Stay tuned for more images of my Norwegian Dreamscape and the extraordinary way I was totally immersed into the experience!

Post Script ~ I noticed today Friday 29th that this post is my 600th ~ I knew it was special!!


Oh how wonderful! And now I can live vicariously through your Dream! LOL and see the land of my ancestors... Beautiful poem! - "slipping through to bliss moments :) Sounds lovely. Can't wait to see more :) Welcome back!
suzanne said…
what beautiful words to capture your heart in this magical place....i understand completely! welcome back :)
Nonnie said…
You've woven words together so beautifully, capturing the feel of this dreamscape. I'd like the story behind why the falls are called Seven Sisters.
Anonymous said…
I'm thrilled that your absence here on your blog has turned out to be a wonderful adventure and journey. The poem...beautifully from the heart. Thank you. I'm so eager to see your creativity from a place on this Earth that has been on my "must visit" list for a long time. One day! Welcome home! And congrats on the 600!!

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