I don't think I would have come to this realisation, that I can actually write
had it not been for my blog and the love of photography staged here,
but due to use my desire to write has grown little by little... sigh!
I have always loved to read a good line or two,
sometime ago I came across a 'master', a 'master' of this writing craft!
I asked him if I may use his words on my blog from time to time
with credit of course, he agreed,
with no further ado
here we go ~
Feeling my path
Posted by Simon Parke, 18 February 2015, 5.57am
I will proceed slowly this Lent season.
I may walk fast, for life goes on;
but I will live slow,
When I open the curtains
When I catch the bus
Meet my friend
Butter the toast
Sit with pain
Make the coffee
Take the call
Sooth the tears
Bored to tears
Struggle to love
Jealous thoughts
The kingdom of god
noting the sky, feeling the path beneath my feet, noting the moment:
When I catch the bus
Meet my friend
Butter the toast
Sit with pain
Make the coffee
Take the call
Sooth the tears
Bored to tears
Struggle to love
Jealous thoughts
The kingdom of god
The kingdom of crap
Feel the peace
Ponder this spring
Cry despair
Labour to work
Shine at work
Stand my ground
Stand in awe
Give to the poor
Browse online
Worry for tomorrow
Find the calm
Everything belongs
Close the curtains
Feel the peace
Ponder this spring
Cry despair
Labour to work
Shine at work
Stand my ground
Stand in awe
Give to the poor
Browse online
Worry for tomorrow
Find the calm
Everything belongs
Close the curtains
Moving fast but living slow, noting the sky, feeling my path and no moment lost,
No rush to a better place
For I am here now.
For I am here now.