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"Let's go round again"

One more cup of chai
One more celestial spin
and Haiku~d'Art
What I'm thinking ~
I hope you noticed the quote by Cindy Sherman in the sidebar above?
I have decided to keep it as a reminder to myself and all who visit here, to just 'let go'.
I was struggling to find a haiku this morning to match my image, which is unusual for me!
But, I was and this has been typical of words in general here on FMB lately.
So I thought to myself  'just let go Susan' and I did, sometime later 'voila' there it was fully formed, again!
Now whether this is a good or bad form of haiku is not my concern,
but I need to feel that it is right for me because ~
it is from my heart
goes to the hearts of all those sharing the three year summer solstice celebration
of gathering over at our beloved Rebecca's Place ~

Haiku my Heart
Recuerda mi Corazon


Anonymous said…
This is just perfect! There is nothing like another cup of tea and whirling around the globe with friends on Friday! May we haiku our hearts again and again!Haiku My Heart - Filled with Song
Kim Mailhot said…
We are on the same wavelength today, Sue. Listening to that wise, beautiful heart has to be the key, don't you think ?
The happiest of summer solstices to you, Brilliant Heart !
Unknown said…
i especially love this haiku. love the idea of a celestial spin.

and that's a great quote too. that's how my authentic art works for me - discover what the painting/etc wants to reveal.
Priti Lisa said…
There is nothing better than
a feeling shared.
I am ready for another spin.
gma said…
try to make what you can't think of....and going around haiku de ART
this mornings spin here celestial!
Anonymous said…
very nicely done
Karen said…
I think it is when we stop struggling that the creative juices flow much better. The photo and haiku found each other!
Lovely! Yes, discovering what's already there! Letting it speak/emerge. 'Letting go' can feel *so* good. :) Just letting yourself dissolve, getting out of the way and seeing what emerges on its own, whether in writing or art/photography.
somepinkflowers said…
{{ yes

exactly !!
it is Right for YOU ...

my hardest thing ever
is to know
to let go ...

i am taking this as A Sign

♥ }}
J C said…
It's perfect!
Marit said…
That quote is fantastic and so true! Thanks for the reminder... I love your intriguing photo and the haiku-from-the-heart. Those are the best! Have a nice weekend, hug from Holland
rebecca said…
my darling sue,

i love you beyond measure. thank you for another spin around the haiku heart. can you believe we have been three years round the sun together?
always all ways follow your heart...
you will find me right beside you!
Lea said…
Thank you Sue for sharing your heart and words in this spinning of time that we share... XO

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