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Today I

For a calmer mind
the miracle of deep breath
is waiting on you ...

Haiku my Heart


Lea said…
Dearest Sue... how did you make that magic happen in the third picture??? Your haiku and images brought me to the deepest breath, and the miracle of you... XO
Beautiful images... and love the haiku. Yes, remembering to breathe! and the miracle of deep breath - ahhh ~ ~ ~ Feeling relaxed already just experiencing it here... Hoping you are feeling better, riding the waves of the breath.
Spadoman said…
Yes. Breathe deeply. Feel it fill your lungs. I took a moment and did what you suggested. Very nice indeed Ms. Foxy.

Much Peace sent your way
Nonnie said…
I feel ridiculous knowing that I need to be reminded to breathe, deeply, when it is such a helpful action.
I love the effect on the third image! all three speak to my heart, and certainly your haiku did!
Anonymous said…
Breathing!!! My favorite thing to do! No. Really. Thanks for the reminder
Anonymous said…
Oh I forgot. I LOVE your images!
Meri said…
Lovely images and words. I sink into the rhythm and feel the cold air as it comes in, the warm air leaving.
gma said…
Introverted Art said…
Sue,t he third picture is amazing, sparkly like magic.
suzanne said…
inhaling that sound wisdom, my friend.
Priti Lisa said…
breathing makes everything better...
and you haiku helps too.
I was amazed by the twinkling in the 3rd photo♥
Charlotte said…
Loved your comment on my blog today...a bit of sparkle for me; just did my nails and found it v. relaxing. Night Mummy xxx
rebecca said…
dear sue,
i have been thinking of you so much. for give me for such a late visit. i have been working every moment on the upcoming retreat and must say my blog has been left like an orphan in the rain!
i miss you and look forward to being a more frequent visitor once i return from mexico. wish i could pack you along.
until then, know you are in my heart of hearts.

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