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To be with You

This one day,
I am grateful for
just one ounce of energy,
energy enough to see the sparkles,
then to press the button,
then to press more buttons,
which in-turn like the dynamo on a bicycle
made more energy, more love, more appreciation!

And so look what happened, my little ounce of energy 
just like the Blackpoll Warbler ~ Wikipedia 
flew me all the way round the world

just to be with YOU!


Postcards from Paradise
Recuerda mi Corazon


Introverted Art said…
Foxy, I swear you wrote this post for me. I was sitting here thinking exactly about that: my lack of energy... The lack of spark. Thank you, thank you! I guess it takes the first step.
carol l mckenna said…
Fantastic photo ~ very pensive ~ powerful!

(A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^
Anonymous said…
How beautiful!
Isn't it amazing what one ounce of energy can do? :)

Paradise at The Temple Bar

Cat said…

I've missed you Sue

beautiful, soulful post
thank you

love and light
suzanne said…
energy is a gift, isn't it...wishing you well, my friend.
somepinkflowers said…
{{ isn't is wonderful
how sometimes
all we Need is one ounce of Something ??

some days
it is just one ounce
of chocolate
but it has to B the best DARK chocolate in the world!!

sending you
an ounce of energy
to hide away in the pantry
for when you may need it later, dear ♥ }}
rebecca said…
you have
like a bright sunrise, the arrival of spring!
thank you dear sweet perfect bird.
you song is love.
Anonymous said…
How lovely and thought-provoking!xx
Lea said…
I've been thinking of you and was so glad to come by and see where this tiny spark of energy of your post and amazing photo rippled all the way to my heart, back to yours... sending you much love dear Sue... XO

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