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Needs Must!

Yesterday I posted about being

I had a good night's sleep 
for me only waking up twice constitutes a good night,
this morning I'm still feeling a need,
but there's been a slight shift ~>
my need is to focus on 
on gratitude

~> ~>~>
the joy of capturing light
in every moment
I walk this planet
However it manifests!

I hope you are able to capture 
some light, gratitude & JOY
it certainly fills a need!

Meri's Musings
Share the Joy Thursday


Unknown said…
this morning i completed a small piece of art. it soothed my chaotic soul.
Meri said…
What we experience changes as we focus on joy and gratitude.
Unknown said…
Need a daily dose of job, you did indeed contribute to mine today. Great post.
Carola Bartz said…
These photos are so beautiful. You always have a way to touch me with your pictures.
Kim Mailhot said…
I have been having a hard time staying focused on the light and the joy this week myself. So much so that I didn't post specifically for Share the Joy on my blog. But visiting and offering little words of appreciation for the joy that others have shared is definitely filling that need too.
Thanks for sharing yours, Sue, and refinding the focus there.
rebecca said…
dear sweet you,

i have been thinking of you so much lately. soon it will be time for me to sprinkle the generous seeds you kindly sent my way. just the thought of something from your garden thriving in mine is a certain jOY! my seeds will be coming your way...although they are the seeds that want to wait until the first of spring.

i adore you my darling and your perfect light.
Miss Robyn said…
I can hear you about sleep! this is a lovely peaceful post xo

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