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I'm remembering the ones
close to my heart
but especially for the next few weeks
along with
Rebecca and Stephanie


GlorV1 said…
I love your photo. We are all remembering and looking forward to the day. Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo.
gma said…
Your photograph is wonderful. The positive and negative images
are perfect for remembering.
I love how you have blended the people you want to remember in one photo. Is this your mom and dad? Who is the child?
Miss Robyn said…
lovely - I love what you have done with the photo!
[and so glad you are back.. hope you had a brilliant time away xo]
Spadoman said…
Unique photo treatment mto say the least. I like the use of heart/art in the phrase. While going to all the blogs, the memories evoked are fabulous. Everyone has a story, they pass it on, it never dies. It is just the flesh that is no longer. I find is soothing and healing to think of it this way. There is no death of the memory.
Thanks you for sharing your loved ones memory with us Ms. Foxy.

rebecca said…
dear sue,
welcome home from your adventures. i too have been away and am visiting all this morning swept away with the love of family.

i remember this photo and a wonderful story you shared about your mother.i love you.
somepinkflowers said…
~~the art of remembering~~



{{both so good
for the Heart }}

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