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Haiku my Heart #23 Rising of a Petal

If I speak softly
and lovingly to petal,
will she rise once more?
 the fluid
that nourishes all life!

For more Haiku Poetry
Recuerda mi Corazon

(p.s. see previous post for full petal story)


Spadoman said…
Ms Foxy... You can feel the love of mankind here at your place. Much needed around the world these days. Fighting, lashing out at others, wars, wars and more wars. Yes, you're making peace. I need to seek this out of what ife presents. Glad I found it here.

Marilyn & Jeff said…
Very beautiful words, love does nourish life. Without love all would be lost. Wonderful photos.
You have such a motherly, nurturing side, Sue, just like mother nature. This quality in you will help cultivate the cycle of growth in Petal. The leaves are shaped like a big heart! Another cue you're on the right track! xxox
How very tender. Lovely pictures! Have a wonderful weekend! Cathy
deb did it said…
of course, love seriously conquers all...beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Nothing like the nurturing of LOVE...
Ramesh Sood said…
Yes, it will..indeed.. very good feel of this..
rebecca said…
even your orchid, holder of your lovely voice, beautiful quiet companion, has grown in the shape of a vital heart....just being near you!
Meri said…
Perhaps not this flower, but her sister reborn.
Unknown said…
Perhaps I should bestow so much love on my orchid ..... I occasionally entertain thoughts of the trash can, but then I remember what beauty she gave .... And hope she'll do it again ...
gma said…
Yes she will!
Dearest Sue,
I love the tenderness of this whole story, the fall of the blossom that had become such a part of your self, such a steady, daily reminder of strength and vulnerability at the same time. Its fall and then resurrection, as it were, seems not only a rise of the life of the flower, but of your spirit and that of your mother whose birthday you are remembering. Your mother and mine were born a day apart. My mother's birthday is tomorrow. I lost her 6 years ago and still miss her terribly.

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