Learn from the Lupin, when rain clouds gather and burst take a bow, then rise. Hiya all, just got back from a small break by the sea, it filled my soul right to the brim! These beautiful Lupins made a statement to me on my return so I thought I'd share it with all you haiku folks! Have a great weekend, should be back with news about the fox cub soon, seems he's too comfy in the womb! Or waiting til the rain clouds are banished! Linking with ~>~> Haiku my Heart Recuerda mi Corazon
visually and held reverently in the mouth...
a long toast to summer.
finding my bliss. oh that everyone woke up searching just for that.
there is beauty here....and that is always a blissful gift. can we ever offer enough???
thank you for your lovely comment on my avalanche of love.
i am wondering if you would do me the honor of sharing what kind of camera you love/use.
i am in the leap of faith stage of camera searching and want get it right!