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Can't Help Playing with Light

Just a little rider to this post on how my new season look was created:


  • Five images were selected with similar hue and shade, resized to fit the banner area 830 x 300 pixels approx.
  • Using Corel Photopaint software I skewed some of the images, adding perspective so they appear to come forward, after feathering I grouped them horizontally on the top of a base image.
  • Skewed text was added as the final layer.
  • The template was changed in Blogger using Simple template and anzeletti. template image. 
  • I customised the look to suit the new autumn colours using the 'Advanced Settings', for anyone who hasn't tried, this is straight forward.


  1. Was captured using the macro button on my camera, the lens was pressed against a candle holder with see through glass decoration towards the light.
  2. Morning sun on area of water on my slate window ledge with reflection of blue glass vase.


rebecca said…
please tell all!
how did you do that???

you take me places so delicious!
foxysue said…
Thank you so much Rebecca for your lovely comment. I have added some info just for you:)x
rebecca said…
generous. you are generous.
will you hold my hand when i actually try to navigate this foreign realm??

actually this week i am sticking to something much more simplistic ...paper!

i hope you will accept my invitation...(posted on my blog today) to create a post for sept. 30
about PAPER!


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